Threelac for Candida Yeast - Natural Candida Cleansing

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Threelac for Candida Yeast

Is It Really Safe to Take Threelac?

When Threelac for candida yeast originally came out about 7 years ago, it contained three species of spore forming bacteria that eat yeast and candida. They are lactobacillus sporogenes, bacillus subtilis, and streptococcus faecilis, which is not to be confused with the streptococcus bacteria that causes strep. They are two different species of bacteria.

Years later Threelac said it was made from bacillis subtillis, bacillus coagulans and enterococcus faecalis.  The names were changed because of a reclassification by the scientific community.

There have been recent reports of Threelac for candida yeast making people sick and I took this stuff years ago so I was very curious why these reports kept surfacing. I wanted to know if it was true and if Threelac really was a possible health menace. So I did a little research and these are my findings.

The Truth About Threelac

The problem bacteria seems to be enterococcus faecalis and it is enough of a concern that the Australian Department of Health and Aging has issued health warnings in Australia.

They have also banned Threelac for candida yeast from being sold at retail. Now from what I understand, you can buy up to 3 containers and have it imported for your personal use. But you cannot import it for resale.

Basically the findings said this: Members of the meeting noted that a consultant (Natren) noted that this bacteria was not of low risk, due to its implication in transfer of antibiotic resistance in a hospital context. "Natren said that bacillus coagulans or lactobacillis sporogenes, bacillus laterosporus, enterococcus faecalis, and enterococcus faecium should not be permitted in therapeutic goods on safety grounds. Natren claims that E faecium and E faecalis are able to aquire antibiotic resistance and is a common opportunitistic pathogen in U.S. hospitals."

Natren was asked to provide scientific evidence to prove what they said but I do not believe they have produced this evidence. However, they were right, e. faecalis is a very troublesome pathogen.

Since that meeting in 1998 the Australian Department of Health and Aging has approved new drugs in 2005 to combat infections caused by enterococcus faecalis. Just the fact that Australia had to ok new drugs to combat enterococcus faecalis infections tells me that a person should think twice before they take Threelac.

The Canadian government has listed it as a health hazard and infectious agent. They claim enterococcus faecalis is responsible for 9% of bacteremia infections, 16% of urinary tract infections, and 5 to 15% of bacterial endocarditis infections. You can read about what the Canadian government has to say about enterococcus faecalis here.

There is an article about enterococcus faecalis and bacterial endocarditis here as well.

The New England Journal of Medicine has this to say about enterococcus faecalis. "Although Enterococcus faecalis was once regarded as nonpathogenic, this opportunistic gram-positive coccus now ranks among the most troublesome hospital pathogens. It has intrinsic resistance to many antibiotics and a remarkable capacity for developing resistance to others (x17,160)." There is a picture at the above link if you care to see it.

The Doctors Guide confirms they have linked this bacteria to mortality due to enterococcal bacteremia and is the third largest cause of hospital infections. It also causes urinary tract, abdominal, pelvic, and neonatal infections.

You know, I took Threelac for candida yeast at one time and I never had any problems. I am not the kind of person that worries about things like this but some people would be freaked out to find out about this information. However, just the fact that these bacteria are "Questionable" should make a person think twice about using them in my humble opinion.

Enterococcus faecalis does reside in the human intestine normally, but they are the bad guys. Our good bacteria keep them under control so they don't make us sick. However, when we get dysbiosis or an imbalance in the intestine, they can infect us as they grow out of control.

I think that Threelac for candida yeast success is because enterococcus faecalis is candida's competitor and feeds on it. How else could you explain it? Threelac did help a lot of people, I just hope they all will be ok in the years to come.

People also want a quick fix and want to take the easy way out when they are ill with anything. Threelac for candida yeast gave many people that result but they really weren't taking control of their health and its long term needs. When you have candida or chronic yeast infections you have serious problems. It indicates a breakdown in the immune system and a persons overall health and generally it took years to get to that point. It can take a while to get things back to normal.

The suggested dose for Threelac is 1 packet a day right before or after a meal. But the label also says you can take up to 3 packets a day if needed.

If you feel that taking Threelac for candida yeast is worth the risk, you can buy it at wholesale prices over at Amazon.


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