About Us - Natural Candida Cleansing

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Welcome to Natural Candida Cleansing

My Story

When I was a little boy I suffered from, what I believe to be now, a dairy allergy. Milk caused me to create too much mucous in my body and eventually I would become ill. This went on until I was about 12 years old and resulted in having multiple outbreaks of bronchitis and pneumonia eight times. Mom would take me to the doctor and antibiotics would be prescribed for these infections.

Knowing what I know now about antibiotic destruction to the human microbiome, it is no wonder that I suffered for another 30 years with digestive problems. I believe those problems were a result of untreated candida and bad bacteria over growth because after treating myself for these problems, my digestive issues went away.

Why Do I Want to Help You?

When I first discovered that I had an over growth of candida I did tons of research on the Internet and became confused very quickly. Everyone seemed to have a different diet and they recommended different supplements and home remedies. I became very confused but I still put what they were saying to work and tried these suggestions. I spent thousands of dollars on these suggestions and most of them didn't work.

It wasn't until I started to study what candida really is that I started to understand what I should do to treat myself. It took me 14 months to get well and I have been well since 2004. I have been where you might be today, I've waded through all the BS out there, tried the supposed cures, and walked the walk.

I got so interested in this entire subject that I even went to school and became a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner.

Why did I put up this Website?

Hopefully so I can help other people that suffer from candida or bacteria over growth to take their health and their life back.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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